A healthy, balanced diet includesTrusted Source eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains alongside healthy fats and protein sources. Regular exercise entails at least 150 minutesTrusted Source of moderate-intensity activity per week.

If a person’s goal is weight loss, certain strategies may also help, such as setting realistic goals and recognizing their attainment with nonfood rewards.

Learn more about weight management, nutrition information, and lifestyle tips.

Weight management strategies
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If a person has overweight or obesity, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend a gradual, steady weight loss of about 1–2 poundsTrusted Source per week. This is more likely to help prevent the lost weight from returning than quick weight loss.

The following strategies may help a person on their weight loss journey.

Commit to losing weight

One useful strategy is writing down why a person wants to lose weight and posting them in a place where they will be a daily reminder. For example, some people may want to change their appearance, be more active, or put measures in place to help them live longer to see their grandchildren.

Evaluate factors that promote weight gain

People can try to become aware of food intake to avoid mindless food consumption. They may wish to record everything they eat and drink for several days.

Additionally, a person can examine situations that pose a challenge to weight management. For instance, this may include factors such as having a busy travel schedule. Individuals can aim to develop strategies to deal with these challenges.

Set realistic goals

People can establish achievable short-term goals and reward their attainment.

For example, if a person’s long-term goal involves losing 50 pounds (lb), they should set smaller specific goals. This may mean trying to lose 1 lb per week for a period of time.

More specific, actionable examples may include:

  • substituting dessert for fresh fruit
  • taking a walk after meals
  • including protein with each meal

A person can work on 2–3 goals at a time to avoid feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.

Individuals can also expect occasional setbacks. When these occur, they can aim to resume their efforts to meet goals and consider how to help avoid such hindrances.

Monitor progress

A person can revisit goals to determine which ones are working well.

If someone consistently meets a goal, they may consider changing the goal to one that is a little more challenging to spur them forward. After meeting a goal, people should reward themselves in ways unconnected to food, such as an outing with friends.

The National Institutes for Health (NIH)Trusted Source advises people to manage their portion sizes. The following tips may help with weight loss:

  • eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • including foods high in protein
  • consuming nonfat and low fat dairy products
  • including healthy fats

An eating plan for weight loss also excludes or limits the following dietary elements:


  • refined carbohydrates, such as:
    • cookies
    • cakes
    • pies
    • doughnuts and other pastries
    • white rice
  • beverages with added sugar, such as:
    • sodas
    • fruit drinks
    • sweetened tea
  • salt
  • saturated fat, such as fatty cuts of red meat
  • trans fat, such as fried foods

A person can still enjoy their favorite comfort foods if they eat them occasionally or in smaller amountsTrusted Source.

Learn more about following a healthy, balanced diet.